Dear Ingrid,

thanks for your mail, wanted to give a feedback anyways after returning from Etosha 🙂

All 3 trips together with Junior and Japhet were great and there is absolutely nothing I could complain about. I would (and will) highly recommend both of them! I could go into more detail here and also fill out the feedback forms but let me simply state that we are entirely happy with having booked the trips with Damarana!

I was particularly impressed by all the things we saw along the way and how well we were guided. It was not only the comfort of not having to worry about anything but Junior and Japhet also gave so many explanations and facts during the trips which made me aware of how much we would have missed along the way if we drove ourselves. Last but not least it was also great to have the opportunity to spend some days close together with two locals which really helped me better understanding the country.

After being into the desert and to Etosha I would love to go to Caprivi. Maybe that's for the next visit to Namibia!

I wish you all the best and a good flight! Please also say all the best from me to Junior and Japhet! If we come back to Nambia and plan any trips we will definitely contact you!


Notre inspiration pour la création de ce voyage …


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