Namibia, February 2023, three weeks guided tour in lodges (Damarana Safari)
Our recent trip to Namibia was nothing short of extraordinary and stands as the most impressive adventure we've ever embarked upon. From the moment we set foot in this remarkable country, we were consistently awestruck by its extraordinary scenery, leaving us in a perpetual state of wonder.
Namibia's landscapes are unlike anything we had ever witnessed before. It's a place where each new sight leaves you thinking that you've seen the most beautiful thing possible, only to be proven wrong time and time again. The diversity of landscapes, from the towering sand dunes of the Namib Desert to the rugged mountains of Damaraland and the ethereal beauty of Etosha National Park, is simply astonishing.
One of the most remarkable aspects of our journey was the feeling of safety and security that pervaded throughout our trip. Even as two women traveling independently, we never once encountered any problems or felt unsafe. This sense of security was undoubtedly due to the meticulous planning and care taken by our guides and the travel agency.
Speaking of our travel agency, it was one of the most professional and accommodating we've ever had the pleasure of working with. The entire team, led by Ingrid and Philippe, was instrumental in designing our customized itinerary and ensuring that every aspect of the trip went smoothly. Their flexibility and responsiveness in dealing with any hiccups or changes that arose was truly commendable.
Throughout our journey, we were surrounded by friendly and welcoming people, both locals and fellow travelers. Namibians showed a genuine interest in meeting foreigners, engaging in discussions, and forging connections. Even when visiting different tribes, we were warmly received and felt a strong sense of hospitality.
But what truly made our trip exceptional were our guides, Paulus and Junior. They not only guided us through the natural wonders of Namibia but also shared the rich history of the country, introduced us to its diverse wildlife, and taught us about the local way of life, including the flora and fauna. Paulus even imparted some Himba phrases, enabling us to have meaningful exchanges with the people we met during our journey.
In retrospect, this trip was a revelation and a life-changing experience. It has left an indelible mark on our lives, forever altering our perspective on adventure and travel. The most challenging part of visiting Namibia was not arriving in the country but having to leave it. The only thought that lingers is the overwhelming desire to return to this extraordinary place as soon as possible.
In conclusion, Namibia offers a unique and awe-inspiring adventure. It's a land of unparalleled beauty, safety, and warm hospitality, where every moment is an opportunity to marvel at the wonders of nature and the kindness of its people. This journey has left an indelible mark on our hearts and a longing to return to Namibia's breathtaking landscapes and warm embrace.
In our heartfelt thanks for this unforgettable adventure, we extend our deepest gratitude to Damarana Safari, the exceptional travel agency that orchestrated this life-changing experience and made it all possible. In addition to our fervent desire to return to the enchanting landscapes of Namibia, we also find ourselves longing to reunite with all those who made this journey truly exceptional – Paulus, Junior (Juju), Wilbard, Ingrid, Philippe, Stephane, and Jafeth – for their warmth, knowledge, and unwavering support.
“Mumu & Nono”

Notre inspiration pour la création de ce voyage …


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